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The Power of a Crayon

“Don’t underestimate the power of a crayon.”

8My daughter is notorious for her playful singing and dancing, her smile and her laughter. She does not sit still. For the most part, neither do I, so this bodes well for both of us. Until dinnertime each night.

One night we were eating dinner together and she was her usual playful self. I had finished my dinner and was putting my plate away and beginning to clean the kitchen as I patiently waited for her to finish, when I noticed she had escaped the dinner table. This was slightly unusual behavior. Not the first time, but generally she stays put to eat her dinner.

Moments later she reappeared with her journal and a crayon. Immediately I reminded her she needed to remain at the table and finish dinner. And then she said something that stopped me in my tracks.

“Well, I would mom, but I thought it was much more important to draw this picture of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.” My first thought was, “Wow, that’s probably the best excuse I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a 5 year old.” However, sure enough, she immediately held up her drawing – a stick figure Jesus with a giant head and crown of thorns encircling it, up on a stick figure cross, no less. I was speechless.

This picture came out of absolute nowhere. Sure, we pray before dinner, but then we talk about our day, things that happened at school, work, etc. It made me realize that Jesus can speak through small children as well. Maybe sometimes, to get the attention of adults – the ones who no longer understand the power of a crayon.

Listen to anything your children tell you. If you don’t listen to the little stuff when they are little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they are big. Because to them, it’s all big stuff.

Life is a series of tiny little miracles. Notice them.

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